cereal bar with blossom honey

cereal bar with blossom honey
Preparation time:
10 Minutes
Additional time:
30 Minutes
Difficulty simple simple

Ingredients for 2 Persons

120g flour (Type 1050)
400g unsweetened cereals (and if you prefer raisins or dried fruits)
120g unsweetened apple puree 
100g Wernet blossom honey  
100g creamy Wernet blossom honey  

Homemade tastes best. So also this delicious crunchy, fruity granola bar, sweetened with creamy and liquid blossom honey and fresh apple sauce. It can be varied according to taste, with nuts or fruits, with seeds or a dollop of chocolate. Try it.

Mix flour, cereals, honey and apple puree and spread the mixture on a baking tray.
Bake it in the oven at 170 degrees for 20 minutes.
You can cut the cereal bars best as long as they are still warm.
Then let cool completely and pack airtight.
You can put together the muesli mixture as you wish: more seeds, dried fruit or oatmeal,...
